So much for my lofty goal of posting every day, or even a few times each week. Last week flew by as I tried to get every class through the library before ISAT testing started. In that I was successful (and added 5Essentials survey to boot), but my blogging went straight to the back burner. But now I'm back. No excuses. You will be hearing from me much more often from now until the end of the year.

Anything but Typical. This is a book that has been on my list for at least a year but that I just couldn't quite bare to pick up. I really dislike the cover (left). So much that it kept me from wanting to read it at all--in spite of recommendations. And sadly, I don't feel like they made much of an improvement with the new one (right). Here's my question: Why not include something about the actual story? Say, computers? Or writing? I will never understand the decision to use cover art that does not reflect what a book is actually about. I would guess that the artist is expected to read the book, but if not, surely that's a requirement of the editor?
So, with all of that said I did ultimately read the book. I should have trusted my instincts. I was indeed underwhelmed by the story, the voice of the character, and the plot. I thought it was just...alright. If I want a story that was similar then I much preferred
Mockingbird by Katheryn Erskin. I feel like Erskin did a more believable job of "taking off the top of the head" of her character, Caitlin. Not that Jason wasn't a believable character. I just felt distracted by constant explanations of why he doesn't interact with people--especially his mom. Instead of feeling enlightened about how Jason's mind words I felt hit over the head with his autism. The story just didn't work for me. What did you think?
1 comment:
Check out this interview with book cover illustrator, Erin McGuire. She has worked on two books by Anne Ursu and discusses the process in an interview on The Nerdy Bookclub If all illustrators did their due diligence, as McGuire does, then more book covers would be more perfectly matched to the stories.
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