Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I cannot tell you how excited I am about our visit today from Patrick Ness.  I wondered what I should say in this post and thought I would repost my original review of A Monsters Calls.  I wrote this in 2011!  I've been waiting so long for this moment.  I'll write again later and share all of the details.

Weeping cannot bring relief for some kinds of
Even friendship may
Not soothe the pain.

And now only a

Monster can show young Connor how to cope.
One story, two stories, three-- 
Now you must tell one back to me.
Strengthen your heart and
Take a deep breath
Each moment should be 

Capture this time in your heart
And know you will carry her
Love always. 
Letting go will
Set you both free.

This book was perfect.  Well done. Mr. Ness.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Welcome Back Jaguars!

It's hard to believe we are nearly to mid-term of first quarter.  I hope you are settling in nicely and finding lots of interesting books in the library.  My summer went quickly and was filled with reading.  I'm sure you're wondering which ones were best and I'll be sharing my favorites with you right here on this blog so keep checking back.  I can't wait to hear about your best summer reading adventures.  What was your favorite? Did you try to tackle any duds?  If you didn't read at all, why not?

Happy Reading!
Ms. Anderson