Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Now that's Grimm!

Anyone who studies history knows that violence is not a modern day problem.  And anyone that studies the history of stories knows that nothing thrills an audience quite like weaving some blood and gore into an otherwise dull little yarn.  Take the classic fairy tales of The Brothers Grimm.  Their stories are riddled with poisonings, beheadings and countless gruesome deaths.  I think that it's this alignment with tradition what makes A Tale Dark & Grimm so charming.  This is the classic story of Hansel and Gretel but retold with all of the nasty bits left in.  It is indeed perfectly Grimm.  The story is told in a conversational style that will have the reader grinning, chuckling and clamoring for more.  Thankfully there won't be a wait since the companion novel, In a Glass Grimmly, has already made its way to the shelves.

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