Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I cannot count the number of times I've created a display for "Books to Big Screen."  And kids typically get excited and the circulation of the displayed titles increases, which is my goal, right?  That said, you can't imagine how excited I was to read about the ReadIt1st initiative.  What's the deal?  Students (or adults) sign a pledge vowing to read all books prior to watching the movie.  No more spoilers!  I feel like I need to sign a pledge vowing always discourage kids from watching the film before they read the book.  No more.  Now I can just start a conversation the proper way.  Why ruin it?  The movie will never capture the magic of the story anyway...

Ready to take the peldge?  Visit http://www.readit1st.com/
Happy reading! (and then happy viewing...)

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