Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What I'm Reading Next

I admit it. I have a problem.  I struggle with trying to decide what book to read next.  I'm the kind of person who will walk into the library and check out piles of books.  Stacks and stacks of interesting topics, stories and titles.  And of course I know full well that I'll only be able to read a small fraction before they will all be due back to the shelves.  But sometimes I get guidance.  I follow too many book blogs to name and I'm always reading professional journals and scanning through the different reviews.  And there's book awards.  I'm crazy excited about books that are on lists so of course award lists make me positively giddy. I'm also somewhat guilty that I am seriously motivated to read books if I'm somehow captivated by the cover art.  That's right.  I judge a book by its cover.  But last week I was delighted to get pages and pages of recommendations from Michael Cart, book reviewer for Booklist.  Here are the titles that I am taking home with me today:


Now I can't wait to get home and start reading!  What books are on your list?

If you want some recommendations from other teens give YALSA's new list a go.
teens' top ten

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